Welcome to the (syndicated) 144th edition of The Newsletter Leaf Journal, the official newsletter of the perennially virid online writing magazine, The New Leaf Journal, with content too amazing for Bing and DuckDuckGo. I originally mailed this newsletter on July 15, 2023. Below, you will find the newsletter as it originally appeared.

Leaves from the week that was

I published five normal articles.

I also published a single Leaf Bud post on Google continuing to support Stadia controllers for Linux users.

Leaves from around the web

Let’s check in on the world wide web…

Long-time readers of this newsletter who subscribed back in July 2021 will already be well-informed about sea cucumber crime. See my around the web link in Newsletter XLII about Yakuza-sea cucumber malfeasance.

If anything happens to one of their carrier pigeons, The New Leaf Journal is ready to help.

I saw the demand for more Sri Lankan architecture links.

I am old enough to remember when beepers were popular but not old enough to have gone to school with people smuggling beepers into the classroom.

I wonder what the AP style guide says about “Florida Man” headlines.

Rejected Sherlock Holmes novel ideas.

The knockoff Pokémon merchandise market is much stranger than it was in the late 90s.

Did the bear pay?

Reviewing classic crayons (still readily available on Ebay, apparently).

“But Cao’s message was different. She was about to disappear. One by one her fellow vigil-organizers had gone dark. Where they were taken, and on what charges, she did not know. She knew only this: she was next.”

Far be it from me to give authoritative computer security advice, but I would not recommend running a Windows XP system with internet access before upgrading to Windows 7. But don’t let me stop you from living your best life.

A haunting discovery.

Most-turned leaves of the newsletter week

I list our most-read articles from the previous newsletter week (Friday to Saturday) in each edition of The Newsletter Leaf Journal. These statistics come courtesy of Koko Analytics, our local, privacy friendly page-counting solution (see my review). Below, I present the 5 most-visited articles for 2023 newsletter week 28.

  1. Height differences in anime romances (NAF, 3.22.23)
    2023 Appearances: 3. Top Placements: 2
  2. The Mystery of Sōseki and Tsuki ga Kirei (NAF, 3.14.21)
    2023 Appearances: 28 Top Placements: 9
  3. The Enigmatic Life and Death of Emperor Otho (NAF, 4.16.21)
    2023 Appearances: 3
  4. Abraham Lincoln’s 1851 Letters on Work to John D. Johnston (NAF, 11.4.21)
    2023 Appearances: NEW
  5. The Pokémon Special Split in Generation 2 – Statistics and Analysis (NAF, 1.18.22)
    2023 Appearances: 19

Newsletter Week 28 produced a more ordinary ranking than Week 27. My long essay on anime heights in romances easily topped the ranking for the second consecutive week, but its views came back down to Earth and I would be somewhat surprised to see it top the ranking next week. My tsuki ga kirei post had a down-week in making its 116th consecutive top five, but it was enough to edge out our longest article for second place on the ranking. We also saw the 2023 debut of my article on an 1851 Abraham Lincoln letter, which has generally been a non-entity in the rankings in 2023 after notching four weekly appearances and one first-place finish in 2022.

News leaf journal

There is no new news on The New Leaf Journal site front this week. I spent all of my limited New Leaf Journal time writing articles instead of fiddling with the site.

Still no update from Bing regarding the now three-week old (alleged) review of our Bing ban.

Notable leaf journal

I am preparing to undertake a handheld gaming experiment. If it is successful, you can expect to read about it in The New Leaf Journal. If it is unsuccessful, you may never hear about it again.

Taking leaf

Thank you as always for reading and following The Newsletter Leaf Journal. This edition of the newsletter was on the short side, but I did leave you with a solid article word count between my own posts and recommended links to hold you over. I look forward to having even more to share next week.

Until July 22,
Cura ut valeas