We review our September articles and most-visited posts before looking ahead to October. Things are well-organized this month.
A colorful journey (puns intended) through the slogans of the towns of Pokémon’s Kanto Region before and after a certain time skip.
Ranking the 12 video games that left the biggest impression on me over nearly 30 years of owning and playing games.
I review an al|together-translated visual novel with unusually high production values and a main character with braids.
A goose continues drinking from a puddle in Brooklyn Bridge Park and comes away satisfied… part two…
A goose drinks from a puddle in Brooklyn Bridge Park… part one…
Reviewing an obscure 19th century sport, as described in an 1882 issue of Harper’s Young People.
Former First Lady Grace Coolidge was a big baseball fan. She was not, however, a fan of intentional bases on balls.
Wherein I try to understand how the post-superhuman Barry Bonds in 2006 and 2007 was walked almost as much as the record-breaking Bonds of 2001-2003 (not 2004… of course).
How I used a sticky note to hold an optical audio cable in place in my Yamaha soundbar after the optical audio cable door broke.
I was curious whether we would learn about the brown hair of the girl in The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses. Instead, we learn about the brown hair of the boy who likes her.
It appears that something with my caching configuration choked earlier today and served a compressed file for download to visitors in […]