A positive review… but having a buddy is easier when you have a keyboard.
“He is the son of our present minister to Prussia, who is a close personal friend of Senator Trumbull and myself. We are not willing for the boy to be shot…”
Merry Christmas!
A Christmas Eve review of a freeware visual novel localization called io [Christmas Eve].
Wherein we learn that the secret to making the best quince jelly is in the attire.
A… strange visual novel… that may be enjoyed after Plain Song.
The story of a lonely musician and the shy girl who always stops to watch him play.
Reprinting six (very) classic quince recipes from an 1733 cookbook…
Justin and Justina discuss quinces on an evening December walk in Manhattan.
Walking bear? I vote BALANCING bear.
Serving dual purposes as a Christmas Tree and a home to many sparrows.
Confirm your suspicions about the value of the dollar in a free and open source way.