The first basketball game was played in 1891. Let’s see some original newspaper articles about the “new” sport from 1892.
The fourth pigeon is always the trickiest.
Let’s see what was happening at The New Leaf Journal in November 2022…
Justin is troubled by people buying Christmas trees too early.
Don’t step on fish man (visual novel review).
Be led by truth, / And in your youth / Be sure how you begin.
Reviewing the freeware visual novel about seeking the sky.
A comprehensive guide to every Thanksgiving Proclamation in the Philippines (1935-1984)
Applying Nintendo’s idea of “lateral thinking with withered technology” to extending console life-cycles.
“Though our mode of life has greatly changed, [the Thanksgiving] custom has always survived.”
The aesthetic wonder of Pokémon Red, Blue, and Yellow.
Tipping over Thanksgiving.