Unexpected public art and unanswered questions.
The New Leaf Journal in the cloud.
The search engine with the endearing mascot and unique way of showing results.
Victor V. Gurbo reviews a horror game that he did not enjoy at all.
Expressing confusion about the preferential treatment of bikes.
A (less) famous portrait of George Washington as President in Masonic regalia.
A short article on a pretty engraving of a young woman by W.E. Tucker called “The Valentine.” It appeared in an 1850 issue of Graham’s Magazine.
A short introduction to RSS and Atom feeds. You will miss this excerpt if you’re using a feed reader.
I struggled to comprehend what I was reading.
Now the humans can enjoy our sitemap as much as the bots do.
A warm little poem.
〜She did say that she’d open the Christmas card on Valentine’s Day〜