A hobby project for fun and nostalgia produces a useful modern desktop design.
〜The 50-most read New Leaf Journal articles of 2021… with humorous analysis〜
Bringing 2021 to a close with a December 2021 month-in-review post.
A photograph of a striking white and brown pigeon on a ledge in Downtown Brooklyn’s Cadman Plaza.
〜In sheep’s clothing?〜
〜Seen next to the inflatable nativity scene…〜
An inflatable Santa Claus delivery van made me wonder if everything I thought I knew about the man behind the presents was wrong.
Victor V. Gurbo covers an Irish resistance song for Christmas.
〜Justina never checked her mail〜
“Here’s Christmas at the door again! / There’s never a day so dear”
“‘Nor myrrh, nor frankincense, nor gold,’ said the angel, ‘is offering more meet for the Christ Child than these pure Christmas Roses.'”
Reviewing a fun math game in Android Progressive Web App form.