Door opening sound effect. Door closing sound effect.
“For be it autumn, or be it spring, / Some flowers will bloom, and some birds will sing”
〜Victor V. Gurbo’s complicated feelings about kokeshi dolls leads to haunting art〜
〜Or so I overheard… but was it true?〜
〜An 1895 French homing pigeon experiment from a steamship〜
〜A boy and his homing pigeons〜
〜The feathered news couriers of Manhattan in 1895〜
〜Are ladybugs supposed to be on televisions?〜
〜An electric goose photography series〜
〜”Where did it come from, I wonder?〜
〜Why do people refuse to dim their bright car lights?〜
〜The blinding headlights of Brooklyn evenings〜