We have an on-site search box for you to use to search through all of our posts. Our search uses a full-text index with the help of the Relevanssi Light WordPress plugin. You can try a search below

If you search our site regularly, you can also add a custom search engine short-cut (see directions for Firefox (also recommended for FF) and Chromium-based (e.g., Google Chrome, Chromium, Microsoft Edge, Brave, Vivaldi, etc.) browsers) to your web browser (I discuss the concept further in my articles on using DuckDuckGo to conduc[k]t domain-specific searches of gutenberg.org and creating custom timer shortcuts for DuckDuckGo and Brave Search. See our GET URL below:


Our On-Site Search vs Domain-Specific Searches With Other Search Engines

While our on-site search is good enough for most normal searching purposes, there may be some cases where you prefer to use an external search engine to search this site. Using an external search engine to search our site has some benefits and drawbacks. The benefit is that external search engines have their own methods of weighing our results with respect to your query and their results may be better in some cases than our much simpler on-site search. The main drawback (other than the possibility you are not using a privacy-respecting search engine/front-end, of course) is that external search engines may be missing some of our posts from their indexes for one reason or another. Our internal site search is guaranteed to have all posts except those I explicitly omit from search (I do not think I have omitted any posts).

Searching thenewleafjournal.com With External Search Engines

Fortunately, most general-use search engines allow you to conduct domain-specific searches. For most search engines, you can enter the following before you search query in order to limit your search to this site:


Domain-Specific Search Shortcuts For The New Leaf Journal

For even quicker access, you can create custom search engine shortcuts for The New Leaf Journal using any search engine or front-end that supports domain-specific searches. Below, I will list GET URLs for New Leaf Journal searches in notable search engines. I will update the list periodically. If your favorite search engine is missing or if you have a question about how to use this technique to search The New Leaf Journal or more generally, feel free to send your question.

(Pro-Tip: There is nothing special about The New Leaf Journal here other than that we are of course your favorite site on the internet. For all of these shortcuts, you can replace thenewleafjournal.com with a different domain to have the search engine search that domain. However, I would also recommend trying the website in question’s search to see if it works as well, if not better, than using an external search tool.)

For each of these URLs, %s is a stand-in for the search term. You keep the %s if you are adding the search with a shortcut to the default search engines in your web browser.

Google and Google-based Short-Cuts

Startpage is a solid Google alternative if you want Google’s index without the Google.

  • Google:
  • Startpage:

Bing and Bing-based Short-Cuts

There are many Bing-dependent searches out there. DuckDuckGo is a good choice if you go this route.

  • Bing:
  • DuckDuckGo:
  • Qwant:


Ecosia can be configured to use either Google or Bing (or, alternatively, leave it up to Ecosia’s own discretion).

  • Ecosia:


The following are search engines with their own indexes. Of these, I would recommend Mojeek and Marginalia for New Leaf Journal search purposes, although I do not know that either has as complete of an index of our posts as Google and Bing do. Brave works fine but I have found that in some cases it returns almost the same results as Startpage. In others it seems to provide its own results. Yep is a new search engine by Ahrefs which seems to have indexed our site well, but I have not tested it extensively.

  • Brave Search:
  • Mojeek:
  • Marginalia Search:
  • Yep:


Finally, we have two international search engines. I would not personally recommend Yandex, but Seznam does seem like a fairly privacy-respecting choice by search engine standards. I have webmaster tools for both and they do appear to have us well covered.

  • Yandex:
  • Seznam: