I go to the grocery store a couple of days a week. The general purpose grocery stores I go to (as opposed to the fruit and vegetable markets) tend to have weekly sales. I have made a habit over the years of only buying most things on sale – with the exception of necessities such as milk (which I need for coffee and tea). The reasons for this are that I do not like spending more money than necessary and, in case you have not noticed, groceries have become somewhat expensive in recent times (enoki mushrooms are no longer in my price range, alas). Sometimes I find new things to try while sale hunting. Today, I present Carr’s Whole Wheat Crackers (I am not sure if whole grain is supposed to be part of the name).
(Note: This is not an affiliate post. Note there is no link to anywhere you can order the crackers. This is an honest, unsolicited whole wheat crackers review.)

I usually do not buy crackers because, while I like crackers, they are not on my regular to-eat list. Despite this, I took a look when I saw Carr’s crackers were on sale. Something about the whole wheat crackers jumped out at me. They look thick in the picture. I checked the nutrition facts and concluded that they were acceptable. So to was 22 crackers for $3.
The serving suggestion on the box looks less than appetizing to me, but I had my own idea for them. Not having much else to buy, I decided to take a flier on the crackers.
I tried one of the crackers a day or two later and was impressed. They are slightly sweet (which I suspected from the ingredient list), but pleasantly soft and, for lack of a better term, wheat-y. But I did not buy the crackers to eat raw. I had a plan for them.
I took two crackers and made a peanut butter sandwich with JIF’s all natural peanut butter. I semi-regularly buy low sodium Trisquits on sale and have them with peanut butter, but I must say that these whole wheat crackers make for a better peanut butter sandwich (Trisquits are better for cheese, however). This is also an economical snack for $3. Assuming that you use two crackers to make one sandwich, we are talking a touch over $3 for 11 peanut butter cracker sandwiches. I approve.
Consider this my first article-length New Leaf Journal snack recommendation (I previously made a Leaflet-length snack recommendation which also involved peanuts).