I visited the Noguchi Museum in Long Island City on March 16, 2024. I previously shared my photograph of blooming magnolias in the Museum’s outdoor sculpture garden. While I think that my Magnolia photograph came out well, it failed to highlight the sculptures in the Sculpture Garden. Just a few minutes after I captured my flower pictures, I photographed one of Noguchi’s sculptures. However, as you will see in the photo, one reason I photographed the sculpture in question was because of something on the sculpture.

A dove sits on a tall, slender rock sculpture in the Sculpture Garden of the Noguchi Museum in Long Island City.

That appears to be a mourning dove on the Sculpture. Let us take a closer look.

Close up of a dove sitting on a tall, slender rock sculpture in the Sculpture Garden of the Noguchi Museum in Long Island City.

Indeed it is. I commented to my friend who I was visiting the Museum with that there was a dove on the rock. Of course, this rock is a sculpture – but my to-the-point description nevertheless applies. I was reminded of this when I photographed a pigeon – which lest we forget is a close relative of the Mourning dove – sitting atop a statue of Christopher Columbus near Brooklyn’s Borough Hall. While the Borough Hall area is very pigeon friendly, the Noguchi Museum’s pleasantly quiet sculpture garden is a fitting haunt for doves.

To tie this article back to my first Noguchi Museum post – you should note a gentleman in the back right corner of the first photograph who appears to have also taken note of the dove on the rock. He is standing right about where I had been a few minutes earlier when I photographed the magnolias. He is standing right next to the blooming tree – also pictured.