〜The meaning of “perfect” in “a more perfect union”〜
I share an article prompt that I created for The New Leaf Journal before The New Leaf Journal: A magical cannon to “pony-size” everything.
Appellate courts do not react kindly to lower court defiance.
〜A fresh story of operating system instillation struggles followed by a minty ending〜
〜While titles can be misleading, this title is not misleading〜
〜Celebrating a three digit milestone at The New Leaf Journal〜
Recollections 19 years later and positive news to mark the solemn occasion.
Victor V. Gurbo performs a series of tests to determine whether his elderly pet cat is deaf. The results are ultimately inconclusive.
〜This is why we have the New York Post〜
〜The things you learn by accident〜
On learning that house centipedes are our friends even though their appearance is somewhat unsettling.
Found and purchased at an antique/collectables store in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn: Pressed flowers and butterfly on canvas.