I have written two articles about a combined three fallen stop signs here at The New Leaf Journal. Those fallen stop signs were all (emphasis on “were”) full-sized stop signs. Never before have I covered a miniature stop sign here on site. For that reason, I could not pass up the opportunity to cover a pony-sized stop sign with a base in front of a Carroll Gardens driveway near the Brooklyn neighborhood’s border with Red Hook.

I took this photo on Woodhull Street between Hicks and Henry. Those who read my recent article on the Summit Street Bridge may recall that I discussed Hicks and Woodhull in that post too. However, this miniature stop sign is on the other side of Hicks and Woodhull, across the Summit Street Bridge from the Hicks and Woodhull in the Bridge article.
In fact, I took this photo on May 19, 2021, minutes after taking the photos of the Summit Street Bridge that I used in my prior post.
For pedestrian purposes, the miniature stop sign is about as close to the Columbia Street Waterfront District side of the Summit Street Bridge as it is to the fallen Dead End sign I also covered recently.
What of the miniature stop sign itself? It has been there for a while, and it always holds its spot. The little stop sign that could ensures that enterprising drivers know that the driveway it protects is the private property – leading to a garage that belongs to the building it leads to. It stands nobly overlooking the BQE, from which pedestrians are protected by a fence.
I like the miniature stop sign. There should be more miniature stop signs around. The instant one serves a plain purpose, but they could be put to creative use. I am already thinking of ideas.