A super-category for personal anecdotes and stories from New Leaf Journal authors and writers.
Now how will poor little baby girl Meta learn the truth?
“People call him the Mayor of Brooklyn Heights” (I am confident that this is not the case. -NAF).
Command not found. A Linux terminal story.
〜It’s all about the expectations〜
I explain how I used KDE Connect to transfer photos from my old BlackBerry Classic phone to an Android-based phone and from there to my computer.
The free and open source hosts blocker, hBlock, successfully stood athwart my endeavors to purchase health insurance through the New York State website.
〜Even if I actually was 55+…〜
〜Had I not been there, I would have thought that it was too good to be real〜
I had a good idea to try a cheap mini PC to test a home server. Less good was my failure to note that it did not come with an AC adapter.
〜Chewing the cud at Mooingdale’s (I had to)〜
The story of how N.A. Ferrell installed Bodhi Linux on Victor V. Gurbo’s old 2007 MacBook.
Door opening sound effect. Door closing sound effect.