Back in 2020, I covered what I described as economical Halloween scarecrows observed in Carroll Gardens, Brooklyn. The reason why I called them economical was because while they were put on display for Halloween, they doubled as potential Thanksgiving decorations, saving time, money, and rotting pumpkin ooze. While walking in Brooklyn Heights in October 2023, I came across a more distinctly Halloween scarecrow:

Photograph of a white Halloween scarecrow ghost with a brick wall as the background. This photo was taken in the NYC neighborhood of Brooklyn Heights.
Very friendly… Boo!

A friendly scarecrow ghost. I approve. We appreciate friendly Halloween ghost decorations here.

On the surface, a Halloween scarecrow ghost cannot be easily re-branded for Thanksgiving. But then again, we have seen inflatable dragons pull Halloween-Thanksgiving double-duty. If the people who put the scarecrow ghost out are inclined to give it a go, I suggest giving the ghost a distinctly seasonal touch. A straw hat may be a good start. They could throw in a dash of autumnal oranges and yellows.

While I was a bit late for Halloween content this year, some of our most-visited Halloween photo pieces were published in November. Perhaps the Halloween scarecrow ghost along with its fellow November 2023 skeletal snake will continue the tradition.