Many people place pumpkins and gourds outside their homes as decorations for Halloween and Thanksgiving season (at least in Brooklyn). I wholeheartedly approve of seasonal autumnal decor. But placing pumpkins and gourds outside comes with responsibility: Pumpkins and gourds are perishable. I have seen and documented a disturbing trend in Brooklyn where many home-owners leave pumpkins outdoor well past their sell-by date. This can lead to general unpleasantness.

A pumpkin with a nose and surgical mask attached to two green hands plugged into its sides seen on a brownstone stoop.
See the first link in the Non-Rotting Pumpkins and Gourds section.

Below, I present a list of all of my pumpkin and gourd posts, beginning with non-rotting pumpkins and gourds betfore moving to the less savory category.

ToC: (1) Non-Rotting Pumpkins and Gourds; (2) Rotting and Decomposing Pumpkin Posts; (3) Inorganic Pumpkins; (4) Miscellaneous Pumpkin Posts

Non-Rotting Pumpkins and Gourds

Rotting and Decomposing Pumpkin Posts

Inorganic Pumpkins

Miscellaneous Pumpkin Posts