Today is July 31. With the end of the month comes our regularly scheduled month-in-review post. The New Leaf Journal had a bit of a publishing lull in the second half of July thanks to your favorite perennially virid website editor (I hope I am, at least) having a day job and some sinus issues. Nevertheless, we still published a solid number of new posts in July and had our best month in terms of page views since our Bing ban kicked in fully in February. Below, you will find our articles of the month and our most-visited articles of July.

New Leaves from July 2023

I published 13 new articles in July prior to this review. You will find links to all of our new articles with brief descriptions. I singled out three of the new articles as my “editor’s choice” selections.


I created new Collection pages for our Justin and Justina dialogue series and my posts tacking anime queries. We now have 54 Justin and Justina dialogues (four were about site news). If you are not familiar with the series, I encourage you to use the collection to catch up with The New Leaf Journal’s resident comedy duo.


I only published two new Leaflet posts in July. Both went live on July 27. The first covered my thoughts on a new Android-based PocketBook e-reader (note that I have two versions of the PocketBook Color). The second covered news that Techdirt had been blacklisted by Bing. Note that the Techdirt news broke right after I had finished drafting my new DuckDuckGo-Bing article. While the timing was good for the article, it did create extra work for me.

Leaf Buds

I published six short Leaf Bud posts in July.


July saw five new newsletters: 142, 143, 144, 145, and 146. 144 was a unique entry because I had not published any new articles that week, leading me to include more links from our archive and from around the web than usual. Newsletter 146 saw the end of the weekly top-five streak of my tsuki ga kirei history, which had featured in every weekly top five going back to April 2021.

While I syndicate all of our newsletters here to The New Leaf Journal, I encourage you to consider subscribing to the flagship edition which goes out on Saturdays. You can sign up to our email list or, in the alternative, simply add the newsletter’s RSS feed to your favorite feed reader. All of our options are available here.

24 Most-Visited Articles of July 2023 and 24 Most-Visited Articles of May-July 2023

I use a privacy friendly local analytics solution called Koko Analytics to count page views (see my review). It has its limitations — it misses RSS visitors, people who enable do not track, and those who block its little slice JavaScript. But it is good enough for our purposes. I have been publishing our 24 most-visited articles each month and our most-visited articles over three-month periods. Before today, I published these in two separate lists. Below, I will try to do it all in a single table. First, we will list the 24 most-visited articles of July while noting their three-month ranking. Then, I will list the articles that made our three-month May-July ranking but were outside the top-24 in July.

July RankArticleByPubMay-July Rank
1Height differences in anime romancesNAF3.22.233
2The Mystery of Sōseki and Tsuki ga KireiNAF3.14.211
3Heights in “The Dangers in My Heart” AnimeNAF4.2.235
4The Pokémon Special Split in Generation 2 – Statistics and AnalysisNAF1.18.226
5The Nice Boat 〜 A Look Back at the School Days AnimeNAF5.6.218
6Tiki paralogue trick in Fire Emblem EngageNAF2.3.234
7The Enigmatic Life and Death of Emperor OthoNAF4.16.2113
8Brooklyn Banana Bench PhotoNAF4.2.2122
9Abraham Lincoln’s 1851 Letters on Work to John D. JohnstonNAF11.4.21N/A
10Installing Ubuntu Touch on a Google Nexus 7 (2013)NAF7.5.219
11Peekier Search Engine ReviewNAF2.26.222
12Recommended F-Droid FOSS Apps For Android-Based Devices (2021)NAF11.27.2112
13An In-Depth Look at Norton Safe SearchNAF10.18.2214
14How the Forget-Me-Not Flower Found Its NameNAF3.11.2110
15Barbie & Oppenheimer without contextNAF7.12.23N/A
16The Angel Next Door Spoils Me Rotten – Anime ReviewNAF3.30.2317
17Persona 4 Golden Digital Artbook Review (Steam)NAF11.15.2018
18Futaba Igarashi’s Hair Is Naturally Green?NAF11.23.2120
19A Look at ProxiTok, a TikTok FrontendNAF5.14.22N/A
20Installing LineageOS on a 2013 Nexus 7 (Wi-Fi)NAF7.28.2116
21The Last Stand of Constantine XINAF5.30.2011
22A 2021 List of Alternative Search Engines and Search ResourcesNAF6.13.21N/A
23An Early Review of Pixelfed – Instagram AlternativeNAF11.13.20N/A
24Review of /e/ – An Android Alternative For Mobile PhonesNAF11.21.2119
N/ABiden, Lincoln, and Counting Back From the President’s BirthNAF4.29.227
N/APeekier redirects to Kagi SearchNAF5.2.2315
N/AThe Chinese Dragon Gang Origin StoryNAF10.22.2221
N/AThe ideal phone, e-ink and QWERTYNAF2.23.2323
N/AGhostwriter Markdown Editor ReviewNAF10.7.2124

Our July ranking was dominated by my essay on height differences in anime romances, which swept the top spot in every week of the month. It was a banner month for anime articles as a whole, taking spots 1, 3, 5, 16, and 18 in the ranking. Moreover, my July 2023 essay on animation in the first episode of The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses performed solidly, albeit not enough for a top 24-placement. Other than the top spot, we had three surprises in the top 12. My Otho article followed up its first ever top-12 in June by repeating the feat with its best monthly finish of 7th place in July. Two articles which had largely been non-entities recently, my barely-noticed short post on a banana bench and my article on an 1851 letter by Abraham Lincoln (the Lincoln article posted a 3rd-place finish back in September 2022) took spots 8 and 9.


I ended up not having time to publish some of the articles I had planned for July. Fortunately, that means that you should have plenty to look forward to in August and September (glass half-full take). While our Bing ban continues, we posted solid numbers in July, especially early in the month, and I saw some good signs through inductive reasoning that our visitors are beginning to take the time to navigate the site after landing on one of our articles. I hope you look forward to what promises to be an interesting August here at The New Leaf Journal. I recommend checking out our selection of RSS, ATOM, and JSON feeds.